Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Since when did thin become the standard on which health and beauty is based?

I'm not a chubby chaser per se', but I find it amazing how most of my friends will just fall all over women who look like Ms Aushwitz circa 1945 with fake boobs.Suffice it to say that there are some women who have a naturally ectomorphic build and look great, but speaking on a purely sexual level, they don't do anything for me.on an aescetic level, I think women who starve themselves lose the natural character their bodies would have if they would just be themselves.And since when is looking like your gonna dry up and blow away healthy?People alays equate thin with healthy, but aren't there very definite dangers to being underwieght? how long will it take before people stop being offended by density?Your thoughts please...Since when did thin become the standard on which health and beauty is based?
The standard in America that women and girls should be thin is nutured through the media. All the stick thin models and actresses and singers are supposed to be the measuring stick by which the ';ideal'; woman is measured. I think that it is ridiculous. some of these women are unnaturally thin and they do starve themselves to maintain the standard. As for your health question, yes it can be medically unsafe to be too thin. Anorexia is a real problem and causes many other problems both mental and physical. Most men just aren't mature enough to look at the whole person and not just the package. Keep that train of thought you will find that you will be much happier if you aren't shallow minded.Since when did thin become the standard on which health and beauty is based?
Oh yeah, Johnny P, piss up a rope fella.;) Report Abuse

Beauty I do not know, but health the over weight person is in danger of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease more than the thinner person.
Pretty personal. Take your problems elsewhere.

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