Sunday, December 13, 2009

What type of milk is the best for health and beauty? (it could be different)?

It depends full fat (cow) is good for development (so if ur still growing) %26amp; milk (vitamins A%26amp;D) in all forms is good to prevent Osteoporosis, but I've never heard of beauty benefits. If you are lactose intolerant I've heard goat milk is good and its good for your immune system. I personally don't like Soy Milk because its too sweet, but it has less fat and stimulates good digestion. So drink lots of all kinds.What type of milk is the best for health and beauty? (it could be different)?
If you can get it, fresh raw milk is best - from a cow or goat, doesn't really matter. Alternatives would be Almond milk or Rice milk. Stay away from Soy milk, it's a multi-billion dollar scam. Don't know about beauty.

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