Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Before school comes tips for hair health and beauty please?

Alright as we know school's a coming, and though I've seen a bajillion of these for specific people, how about some genralizations and something more along the lines of making your skin smoother, making your hair nicer, and such and such. This isn't only for me but for people who ran out of points to make there own specific question. I want any thing from stuff I know to stuff I didn't. Treatments for hair and skin, some excersise deals, yoga moves to calm yourself, study tips, anything, make it like the ultimate guide going back to school =DBefore school comes tips for hair health and beauty please?
skin: buy some really good lotion like vaseline or know the kind that moisturizes really well with out fragrance....put lotion on everytime u get out of the shower and before you go to a couple of days your skin will be really soft.

hair: everytime you use shampoo make sure to follow with conditioner it will keep your hair healthy and shiny. i your hair needs a shine boost buy a hair gloss treatment from walmart or drug store for like 6$ and put that on it will make it really shiny and will make it look healthyyy.

if your skin is oily-er than usual or is dull mix 1/2 cup of sugar with a teaspoon of salt together...wet your face with warm water then spread on the sugar/salt on your face and massage for around a minute,,,, this will take all the dead skin and oilyness off and is cheap...

when yo are bored dont just sit around on the computter or watching t.v. go outside and walk around a little the sun gives you vitamins too and it will make you feel energized and clam at the same time. try doing your home work out side sometimes or studying out side its different and you can get fresh air too.

something i do when im studying[12th grade] is to memorize important things even if you arent required to bc it helps you remember stuff anyways.... when i memorize things i think of something that relates with it that i kno or rhyme words with it....Before school comes tips for hair health and beauty please?
Drink lots of water to make your face clear, eat water based fruits such as watermelon, wash you face daily, take vitamins, or you can drink vitamin C, it helps with hair skin and nails. When you wash your hair and you condition it, try keeping the conditioner in a little longer so that you hair turns out more soft and shinny. Planks are a good exercise for your abs and some upper body strength to get ready for school.

-Hope I Helped
Skin-Moisturize daily..Try Aveeno or Dove Cream Oil Lotion

Face- Wash with product that contains salicylic acid. Keep your hand off them.

Hair- Deep Condition once a week..Try Garnier Fructis Hair Line..smells great too

Yoga Moves- Cobra, Cat series, Bridge

Body-Lots of protein, H2O,
go to for hair, makeup, excercise, health, dating, school, sex and fashion tips! or just buy the newest issue with Miley Cyrus on the cover.


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