Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why is it that when you ask a funny question in Men's Health or Beauty and Style, they respond differently?

Men's Health users generally respond humorously, whereas in B%26amp;S, they attack you.Why is it that when you ask a funny question in Men's Health or Beauty and Style, they respond differently?
lol Megan, you don't know attack until you've been in R%26amp;S =)Why is it that when you ask a funny question in Men's Health or Beauty and Style, they respond differently?
funny questions are just make a extra pleasure but should keep under atolerence bar, physical description is more easy and both difficult, when a general people going for its may be the cause of ugly, nudity, but when its done by literally or poet its become a unique and more interesting, thanks for your question.
Men's Health answerers are usually guys in their twenties with a sense of humour whereas the B%26amp;S answerers are girls in their teens who can't see past their eyelashes, never mind to find a sense of humour.
yeah I agree with the second answerer.

People in B%26amp;S are rude sometimes, lol some of the answers in Mens Health are hilarious.
They are intimidated by your beauty
Want a real blast group - go to senior citizens - a lot of trolls there for sure, get violated for saying nawe sheet.
Lol!! Good point! It's because guys are wayyy more easygoing than girls, which probably make up the majority in BnS

Merry Christmas btw, I hope you're having a good time :)
ah i see you were looking into some penis questions, they answer humorously in vagina questions too i guess ;]
Because in Mens Health they don't know what the length their penis should be.
Ah you're looking at a Men's Health troll right here.

That section is hilarious.
ahaha no idea
don't know maybe cause everyone is different
I know!!! B%26amp;S take it way to seriously!!
Kids don't hang out in Men's Health?
Dylan said it. x[

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